Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Top 10 Dog Disease

Here are the top 10 dog deseases according to some experts, you should watch out from your dogs to avoid them from being a victim of it..

1. Rabies -considered as virus and could become fatal when symptoms appear. This could also be fatal to humans too. So, a rabies vaccination is highly required with yearly booster shots.

2. Distemper -Among the serious diseases of dogs, this is considered by the American Veterinary Medical Association considers distemper to be the one virus most threatening to dogs worldwide. That is why all dos should be properly vaccinated with boosters since they are very vulnerable.

3. Parvovirus (Parvo) -This also ossurs worldwide and expremely contagious disease most especially among puppies so veterinarians always advice to have dogs be vaccinated because this could lead to death within 48 to 72 hours. Symptoms of this includes depression, loss of appetite, vomiting and severe diarrhea.

4. Leptospirosis -This is a bacterial disease that includes lethargy, kidney inflammation, low-grade fever, vomiting, reddening of the mucous membranes and conjunctiva, and blood clotting abnormalities and this also found among humans that could be treated with an antibiotics but Veterinarians are often reluctant to inoculate against this because there is a questionable effect that puppies can have adverse reactions to it.

5. Kennel Cough -A respiratory disease prevalent in kennels and shelters. Some virus stains like Bortadella with symptoms like a dry hacking cough along with inflammation of the larynx, bronchial tubes and trachea. Vaccination every 6 months could prevent those symptoms.

6. Infectious canine hepatitis -Symptoms of this includes a slight fever or slight lethargy, it can, in some instances become fatal. Recovery is usually rapid. Vaccination is also required.

7. Heartworm
-These are parasites that grow and spread out infesting chambers in the heart, arteries and the lungs. Symptoms appear gradually, usually manifested in easy tiring, lethargy and a soft cough. If not treated, heartworm eventually brings on death by congestive heart failure in a once active animal.

8. Coronavirus -Its symptoms are diarrhea and vomiting Other indications are loss of appetite, smelly diarrhea, lethargy and dehydration. Replacement of lost fluids and control of vomiting and diarrhea are the recommended treatments. A vaccine is not generally recommended.

9. Lyme Disease -This is a bacterial spread by ticks. Symptoms will include lethargy, joint pain, lack of appetite, lymph node enlargement, and fever. Treatment is with tetracycline, an antibiotic. Prevention using Frontline or Advantage is obvoiusly recommended.

10. Obesity -Like humans, this disease is also considered serious medical problem. Exercise for your dogs is highly recommended. A daily walk could be best for them.


Anonymous September 23, 2008 at 2:04 PM  

Great stuff you are a great help to dog owners of the world. Barb

Dogster: the site for dog lovers

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